hexagram 48 pathfinder. Competent people find their way and make progress, even in difficult circumstances. hexagram 48 pathfinder

 Competent people find their way and make progress, even in difficult circumstanceshexagram 48 pathfinder  Growing: the small

A quick fix -- here and gone -- only heightens the antsiness, and soon we're off on the. ”. – Chinese Proverb. Success comes when you untangle the knots and soften the glare. There is no beginning, but there is an end. Winter (8): Find the seed of the new by re-grouping your thoughts. Other titles: Standstill, The Symbol of Closing, Stagnation, Obstruction, The Wife, Obstructed, Decadence, Disjunction, Impasse, "Yin supporting yang which is wrong, they part company. HEXAGRAM NUMBER THIRTY-SIX -- CLOUDED PERCEPTION . "-- D. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Accommodate. HEXAGRAM NUMBER THIRTY-NINE – IMPASSE . Innocence springs from a heart that remains open to joy and wonder. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 14 Great Possessing: Shine. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54 Propriety: Subordinate. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-TWO -- KEEPING STILL . Distress. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53 Development: Flower. Hook . The former are "the great," active and vigorous; the latter are "the inferior," passive and yielding. As a result of deep introspection, an invisible energy emanates from us, influencing others without their being aware of it. The K'ang-hsi editors say: "What is meant by diminishing in this hexagram is the regulation of expenditure or contribution according to the time. Hexagram 52 Ken Keeping Still. Compare the Judgment of this hexagram with hexagrams and lines 17:6, 45:2, 46:2, 46:4, 47:2, 47:5 and 63:5 for further insights on this extremely important tenet of the Work. between husband and wife, so this figure treats of the continuous observance of their respective duties. Without loss, without gain, they go and they come in their order. , an image of one who remains obtuse while surrounded by the light of illumination. A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party: there is no battle unless there be two. None will consider your life of account. Six in the third place. Hello, I got hexagram 47 with 3rd line changing to hexagram 28 in regards to a question whether I should leave my job or not. Legge: The subject of the hexagram is perseverance in what is right, or in continuously acting out the law of one's being. Prescription for Pushing Upward. 4 – There is contact with one. F. With economy, I can be liberal. F. 58 -- Joy (Self-indulgence) -- 58 . His being clothed in simple white crowns the lesson that ornament must be kept in a secondary place. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 39 Obstruction: Innovate. The temple in which the sacred marriage takes place is the world. The lower trigram of Movement represents the eldest son, and the upper trigram of Pleasure represents the. The Superior Man grows a little every day. 39: Temporary Obstacles. Line-1. Like a kite cut from the string, lightly the soul of my youth has taken flight. In the Book of Changes it is said: `When three people journey together, their number decreases by one. Voyager, there are no bridges; one builds them as one walks. I Ching Hexagram 34 Da Zhuang (Great Power) Action: Invigorate. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 44 Coming to Meet: Encounter. The fifteenth and sixteenth hexagrams, each the inverse of the other, represent magnetic and dynamic aspects of the same general idea: Enthusiasm, when it emanates from the Self, is just Temperance in action. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-SIX – TRANSITION . Nine in the second place. Hexagram 51. Fall (44): Harvest the crop by letting emerging new patterns move you. This might be for emotional,. Make no impulsive decisions. The father figure in the family should act like a benevolent king who builds trust. This hexagram refers to a time in the cycle of human affairs when things are stirring up and the hint of dramatic change is in the air. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 40. The Vessel. 10 -- Cautious Advance -- 10 . Only through letting go of the old and embracing the new can. Hexagram 8, Paintings and Prescriptions. Hexagram 56 Lu The Wanderer. Legge: The Sacrificial Vessel means great progress and. He need not be anxious -- without his efforts a way of escape will be opened for him. Conflict arises when a person who is convinced he or she is. The hexagram often reflects a situation in which the "archetypes": the passions, appetites, emotions, drives and instincts have left their proper places within the psyche and are flying free like birds escaped from the zoo. If you diligently hold your ground, warding off negative tendencies or bad influences, goodness will indeed prevail. This hexagram refers to a time in the cycle of human affairs when things are stirring up and the hint of dramatic change is in the air. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 37 Family: Support. an irresistible impulse to perform an irrational act. Liu:The Family. Human nature is basically the same: the passage of time cannot add to its dimensions, nor take anything away. Cleary (1): In Nurturance of the Great it is beneficial to be chaste. ] Liu: Wind following wind symbolizes Penetration. I Ching Hexagram 43 Guai (Determination). e. Nine in the first place changes to hexagram 29. Nine in the last place place. Work for the common good. Wing's paraphrase of Critical Massas more evocative of the figure's meaning in modern terminology. Be like a tower with a wide and long view. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 48. [The component trigrams combine the concepts of wind and blandness -- hence a favorable wind. Feeling confined, we may serve base desires with a type of neediness that is not healthy. Spring (3): Rouse new growth by starting again. The most suitable case to explain Hexagram 48 is the divination of a R & D project. Nine in. 11 -- Harmony -- 11 . Ritsema/Karcher: Below mountain possessing wind. “With gentle compassion, I can be brave. ] Liu: Wind following wind symbolizes Penetration. TonyHexagram #29 is composed of two 3-line trigrams mounted over and under each other. I wait for a new growth cycle. Legge: For the regulation of The Family, what is most advantageous is that the wife be firm and correct. In the previous line 4 we also encounter 3 celebrations of success. I Ching Hexagram 46 Sheng (Pushing Upward) Action: Ascend. I Ching Hexagram 21 Shi Ho (Biting Through). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. 1: The well’s mud is not consumed. Times of great loss or personal failure can break some people, but the strong of heart are able to bend with their fate. 47: Oppression. In dealing with men, the Superior Man shows himself to be entirely void of selfishness. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 41. 2. 48:32. Nine in the Fourth Place. Key words: Touching the wellspring. Blofeld:The Family. The cauldron symbolizes nourishment and rejuvenation. It shows men's minds alienated from correctness and sure to go on to disorder. This energetic concentration could explode in an. The I-Ching translation of Richard Wilhelm, rendered in English by Baynes, also translated this word as "The Army". An inexhaustible supply of water and sustenance are referenced by hexagram number 48. Commitment is the force of attraction that brings all things back to you. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Accommodate. ] Liu: Wind following wind symbolizes Penetration. Other titles: Peace, The Symbol of Successfulness, Prospering, Pervading, Greatness, Tranquility, Prosperity, Conjunction, Major Synthesis, Hieros Gamos, Holy Marriage, "Yang supporting yin and going to meet each other. Wise Words! The Way opens. Though we usually think of them. ’ As there is no worldly gain without some loss, so there is no worldly loss without some gain. Allowing yourself to dwell on thoughts of retribution only consumes energy that is sorely needed elsewhere. Six in the fourth place changes to. Pathfinder Hexagram 05 Suspension The model of the moment: You could be caught up in the games of others now, your goals entangled in conflict. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-THREE – RESOLUTENESS . Action: Enlighten. Six in the second place When in an unusual situation follow your intuition. Six in the fifth place. Fire evaporates water, and water puts out fire. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY -- THE SACRIFICIAL VESSEL . Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes a tree upon a mountain. Use what talent you possess; the woods would be silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. 14: Affluence. 46 -- Pushing Upward -- 46 . HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-TWO -- INCREASE . Favored as he is, however, by the general idea of the hexagram, and responding to his proper correlate in the fourth line, it is natural that he should make a movement. You are in the Inspiring phase of this Pair. Oracle of Love. The course usually recommended for such times: Anxiety will not help matters, but only make them worse. If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it; every arrow that flies, feels the attraction of the earth. 64 - Every cycle ends and begins in chaos. – Emerson Wu: Three would create doubts. Six in the third place changes to hexagram 55. Yet they too are living beings, and crave warmth, help, and. The condition of innocence has less to do with age than with attitude. Your way of thinking is transformed. Other titles: The Clinging, The Symbol of Brightness and of Separateness, Flaming Beauty, Radiance, Fire, The Net, Allegiance, The Cosmic Mean, Synergy, Sunlight, Perception, Pertaining to Comprehension, The Light, Consciousness, Lucidity Judgment . It has an encouraging future to look forward to. Equilibrium is the great foundation of life, and harmony its universal path. As a result of deep introspection, an invisible energy emanates from us, influencing others without their being aware of it. Pathfinder Hexagram 58 Encouragement The model of the moment: The watering of plants, gentle care of pets, nurturing of young children, and care of the sick or injured are all behaviors we take for granted. Feeling confined, we may serve base desires with a type of neediness that is not healthy. 2) Reading method I: Provided there are 2 moving lines, please read the texts of these 2 lines but the upper one is regarded as the main judgment. I Ching Hexagram 48 Jing (The Well) Action: Inspire Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Accommodate Zong Gua (underlying cause) 21 Biting Through: Discern You can spend a lifetime and still never come anywhere close to exhausting the resources that are inside of you. You will become wise and learn the mysteries of life. F. Winter (28): Find the seed of the new by standing alone without fear. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 39 Obstruction: Innovate. Power : Oracle of Love Hexagram 34 Handle with care. Action: Explore. When you pay respect to the great, you pave the way for your own greatness. Other titles: Peace, The Symbol of Successfulness, Prospering, Pervading, Greatness, Tranquility, Prosperity, Conjunction, Major Synthesis, Hieros Gamos, Holy Marriage, "Yang supporting yin and going to meet each other. It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of the great whole of life dawns on you. 2. Six in the last place. A woman's perseverance benefits. . This is a good time for decisive action to resolve festering problems. Nine in the fifth place changes to hexagram 40. Hook . Learn about a person by noticing what is important for them to nourish. Compulsion:1a. HEXAGRAM NUMBER SIXTY-THREE – COMPLETION . Truth fears nothing but concealment. I prefer R. The forty-ninth hexagram makes an analogy between the natural Metamorphosis of animal pelts and the proper way to regard radical changes in government. The fifteenth and sixteenth hexagrams, each the inverse of the other, represent magnetic and dynamic aspects of the same general idea: Enthusiasm, when it emanates from the Self, is just Temperance in action. The image of Mountain over Thunder. Legge: At the top of the hexagram ornament has run its course and there is a return to pure white simplicity. Turn toward clarity. Six in the first place changes to Hexagram 09 Paintings and Prescriptions Hexagram 09. Action: Arouse Hu Gua (hidden influence) 39 Obstruction: Innovate. Wing's paraphrase of Critical Massas more evocative of the figure's meaning in modern terminology. Six in the first place changes to hexagram 24. –Chinese ProverbLet’s say you asked if you’ll ever reconcile with a friend, and you received 48. Nine in the fourth place changes to hexagram 24. Nine in the fifth place changes to hexagram 14. Compare the Image of Nourishment in this hexagram with those in hexagram number five, Waiting; number forty-eight, The Well; and number fifty, The Sacrificial Vessel. The transformative process of the pair 53:54 Gradual Advance and Marrying Maiden develops the patience to wait on events and the ability to let yourself be led at a critical moment. Everything flows and nothing abides;everything gives way and nothing stays fixed. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 57. The Superior Man, abiding in holiness and virtue, inclines the people towards goodness. This classic translation from Chinese was in German, by Richard Wilhelm in 1923. Be sure the pitcher is sound, lest one run dry. This classic translation from Chinese was in German, by Richard Wilhelm in 1923. There is a destiny that makes us brothers, no one goes his way alone; All that we send into the lives of others comes back. Content in your power, you have no need to engage the obstacle. I Ching Hexagram 31 Hsien (Influence/Wooing). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 44 Coming to Meet: Encounter. Good prospects for a marriage or partnership. 4 -- Inexperience -- 4 . The strongest relationships are between two people. I have been experiencing much difficulty with the people I work with and have had very little success in implementing positive changes. This turns your need to. The time for Approach, like Spring, does not last. You may access Pathfinder in the same way you would the traditional I Ching; only here you'll simultaneously get results stemming from the I Ching, Tao of Power, and Art of War-- and in language updated for modern living. Marie – Thank you for the words – they are a great encouragement to me. If the thirteenth hexagram depicts a process of uniting, the fourteenth might be seen as the completion of that process. On this path, it is beneficial to still strength, not to use strength. People are coming to help you with the journey to completion. I Ching Hexagram 16 Yu (Enthusiasm). ’. The subject of the sixth line shows more of the spirit of the hexagram than most. Matthew 5: 48 . Action: Woo Hu Gua (hidden influence) 44 Coming to Meet: Encounter. Ritsema/Karcher: Above mountain possessing marsh. l 48 The Well JING l You can alter the city, you cannot alter the Well. [The arrangement of the component trigrams suggests glimpses of the sky among the peaks of the mountains. An example could be that wherein a person's shoe laces were improperly tied so that the left foot was bound to the right. HEXAGRAM NUMBER THREE -- DIFFICULTY . F. Have a glass of wine while you wait it out. Six in the Fourth Place. . Other titles: Treading, Conduct, The Symbol of Stepping Carefully, Proper Conduct, Cautious Treading, Proceeding Cautiously, Watch Your Step, Proceed at Your Own Risk, Advancing With Care "Illustrates the difference between courage and. On the Cast Hexagram-, Hexagram Lines- and Transformed Hex-tab you can click through to the corresponding original I Ching translation, if applicable. A suppressed resolve will betray itself in the eyes. The two words of its name are equally important: Repeating also means rehearsing and learning: this is the classic. The fact that each hexagram is the inverse of the other should. The old character, which looks like a noughts-and-crosses grid, is usually said to be a picture of a grid of fields, with the well at the centre. 3 -- Difficulty -- 3 . Sacrifice is mentioned in lines 17:6, 45:2, 46:2, 46:4, 47:2, 47:5, 63:5, and in the Judgment of hexagram 20. [This hexagram represents incubation nurturing the spiritual embryo. Offer what is in ones heart. It is good not to eat at home; it is beneficial to cross great rivers. Male and female mix their seed, and all creatures take shape and are born. 2 – Give sincere support or non at all. Hook . I Ching Hexagram 3 Chun (Difficult Beginnings) Action: Persevere. If the superior man takes the. The effect is like powerful music that inspires great numbers of people, loosening constraints and sprouting new opportunities. With a humble manner the superior man receives people. The Well is always the Well. Six in the Fourth Place. 2. Like the wind blowing across the treetops, its presence is perceived through the effect it has on everything it. Pathfinder Hexagram 08 Counsel The model of the moment: This represents the potential for you forming a new, close association, child. The power is in the toes, the lowest part of the body, and the very bottom of the hexagram. He had the uneasy manner of a man who is not among his own kind, and who has not seen enough. Oppositions can then be dealt with. Action: Permeate. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 24 Return: Go Back. Action: Disengage. HEXAGRAM NUMBER SEVEN -- DISCIPLINE. The bottom three lines of hexagram #29 form the trigram for Water, while the upper three lines form the trigram for Water. The attraction of opposites is a powerful and fundamental force, especially that of a mutual attraction in the beginning stages. To ‘take’ her means to seize, as one might seize a criminal, but in this usage it’s something like the old-fashioned English, ‘taking a woman in marriage. Other titles: The Marrying Maiden, The Symbol of the Marriage of the Younger Sister, Marriageable Maiden, The Marrying Girl, Subordinate, The Second Wife, Converting Maidenhood, Returning maiden, Making a young girl marry, Marrying a. Lines two and five of this difficult hexagram show those who struggle with hardship; all of the other lines show images of an improper advance followed by a proper return to a former position. One would be. Fourth, the combined trigrams of shock and light (thunder and lightning) suggest a sudden and numinous illumination: the sort of en-light-enment. Neglecting the richness of ones own abilities and not putting them to use, leaves them to atrophy. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 29. The Pair 61:62 Opened Heart and Small Traverses is an Engine of Change that develops the inner peace to understand the significance of your life and the ability to craft its meaning into an enduring message for a new generation. 47 - The restrictions and challenges of being an individual. This is a time for action. Line-1. 42 -- Increase -- 42 . Hu Gua (hidden influence) 40 Liberation: Untangle. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 51 Shocking: Arouse. Reading at a. In the course of trying to reach a goal or to fulfill an ambition, temporary obstacles will invariably present themselves. You are closer to your goal but the situation keeps shifting. F. 62 -- Small Powers-- 62 . The development of the condition may have been gradual but the transformation is sudden and significant. ] Cleary (2):Delight comes through, beneficial if correct. Do not get stuck in the mire and muck of your mind. Ten pairs of tortoises cannot. The hexagram also means. Avoid empty displays of power or force. Line-1. Yet, despite the fact that every line is in its proper place, not one of them has an easy. "-- D. When the world grows dark, your inner light is given definition. 3 -- Difficulty -- 3 . HEXAGRAM NUMBER SIXTY-ONE -- INNER TRUTH . The forty-ninth hexagram makes an analogy between the natural Metamorphosis of animal pelts and the proper way to regard radical changes in government. Flowers bloom in their own time. When going alone you will find a friend to join you. When the oak is felled the whole forest echoes with its fall, but a hundred acorns are sown in silence by an unnoticed breeze. The persistence of negativity is a factor in human affairs: just when you think an undesirable element has been uprooted, it. Instinct is the bubbling of Te excited by the prospect of your coming-to-be-real. It can be especially effective in coping with our own internal conflicts. The hexagram includes the ideas of both following others and being followed by others. Accept the heart of the dark time. Six in the last place2: Receptive Power. "-- D. Six in the third place changes to hexagram 50. Do not take this woman. You may not be able to change the direction of the wind, but by frequently adjusting your sails, you can arrive at your destination with a joy that inspires others to follow you. I Ching Hexagram 35 Chin (Progress). The elements of this hexagram are fire under water. Liu: The heaven above and the lake below symbolize Treading. – Chinese Proverb Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes a favorable wind. From its own hidden resources the group will form and act, with understanding of each other. "-- D. [This hexagram describes your situation in terms of an important move from one position to another. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 49 Molting: Transform. Other titles: The Abysmal, The Symbol of Sinking, Water, The Abyss, Gorge, Repeating Gorge, Repeated Entrapment, Double Pitfall, Multiple Danger, Double Water, The Deep, Dark Forces, The Perilous Pit, "May not be as bad as it sounds, but whatever happens, remain true to yourself. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 17 Following: Show by Example. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 18 Decay: Remedy. Trust in nature. Fourth, the combined trigrams of shock and light (thunder and lightning) suggest a sudden and numinous illumination: the sort of en-light-enment. The weak and strong can coexist when the weaker element does not impose upon the stronger one, when it maintains good humor, and when it avoids taking bold action. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 60. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-FOUR -- PROPRIETY/MAKING-DO. To know fulfillment, nourish what is for the belly and not the eye. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 27. 3. Nine in the first place changes to hexagram 12. Be brave and independent. Tis not the many oaths that make the truth; but the plain single vow, that is vowed true. For example, Alfred Huang translated hexagram 07 (师) as "Multitude", whereas James Legge translated it as "The Army". Let new developments be seen. Nine in the third place changes to hexagram 3. Success comes when you can approach all of life without prejudice. NOTE: This is a quick port to the web of text I first wrote around 15 plus years ago. Compare Propriety with hexagram number fifty-three, Gradual Progress, then compare them both with hexagram number thirty-one,Initiative. Six in the last place. I Ching Hexagram 37 Chia Jen (Family). Virtuous strength therefore controls itself and considers the consequences for others before acting. Hexagram number 61 signifies a deep bond or feeling of kinship. Nine in the Fifth Place. Other titles: The Wanderer, The Symbol of the Traveler, The Exile, Sojourning, The Newcomer, To Lodge, To Travel, Traveling, The Stranger, Strangers, The Traveling Stranger, The Outsider, The Alien, The Gnostic, The Tarot Fool, Wandering, Homeless,. Other titles: Biting Through, Gnawing, The Symbol of Mastication and Punishment by Pressing and Squeezing, Gnawing Bite, Severing, Chewing, Punishment, Reformation, Reform, Differentiation, Discrimination, Making a Distinction, Getting the. And the still deeper secret of the secret: the land that is nowhere, that is your true home. Paintings and Prescriptions hexagram 55. Those who wish to acquire a following must speak the language of their followers. Spring (17): Rouse new growth by applying your experience to the ongoing project. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 44 Coming to Meet: Encounter. Ascending in a waning moon. F. Enthusiasm unleashes enormous creative energy. What is unobservable in this world is gestating in unseen form. Legge: In the first line, dynamic, we see its subject as the dragon lying hid in the deep. Gather energy for a decisive new move. You can’t force things before the right time for action. Action: Innovate. The Superior Man consults both high and low and thereby steadies the people's will. It is always better to fail in doing something than to excel in doing nothing. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWELVE -- DIVORCEMENT. Don’t hesitate. This energetic concentration could. Women's persistence brings reward. The bucket is damaged and leaking. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWELVE -- DIVORCEMENT. F.